Sunday, April 24, 2005


That Sound You Hear? » Let Go by Frou Frou
Days of NHL Lockout » 220
Big News » If you can't beat them, beat them up? I know, lame. Yet the Rays and Red Sox cleared their benches this afternoon over a little disagreement, livening up, if only for a moment, the most boring game on the planet.

Now, today's story...

It happened again. The universe's spitefulness has kicked me in the throat once again. Yes, the throat.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at my house on a day I suppose when everyone had gotten Subway for lunch before I came over. I guess their fountains weren't working because Jason and my grandma had gotten bottled Pepsi. And it was specially labeled. One in three wins a free song from iTunes.

Both of them won, yet neither of them use iTunes. So my grandma gave her up code and Jason asked me to use his to get a song for him. Then I got greedy. I thought, hey if they got free songs, maybe I could too. I stopped by Subway on the way back to the dorm. "Please try again."

Typical. One in three, my ass. The story continues, however.

Today I went over to Hollywood Video in Valrico to drop off some tapes to Brett. If you must know it was the first 15 episodes of the fourth season of Alias. I got him hooked on the show by way of the first three seasons of DVDs and now he's gonna catch up so he'll be ready for Wednesday's new episode. Everyone should be more like him.

I was surprised at the amount of candy and random snacks they have around the checkout counters. Also by the little girl trying to slip what looked like a PEZ machine into her jeans. I don't think it worked. But I would've liked to have seen her dad bust her.

Anyway, Brett grabbed a Pepsi, which by the way, had the iTunes labels. So I thought I'd give the free music opportunity another stab. Just to spite me, not only did the universe give me another losing cap, but it gave Brett (who, like my grandmother and brother, does not have iTunes) a winner. Is that even fair?

But see it all worked out in the end because Brett gave me his free song. Therefore, my song of the day is in tribute to him. Every person on this planet with a brain loves the Garden State soundtrack. But Brett, you see, has a special love for Frou Frou. Hence today's music.

To sum up: nice friends, mean universe. Say that over and over. And over.

In Memory: On a sad note, Stephane Provost died in a motorcyle accident on Friday. He was 37. Provost was an NHL linesman who worked mostly Lightning games. I used to see his name all the time in the game recaps in the newspaper. He worked for the league for 10 years and officiated nearly 700 games.


At 4/24/2005 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you just aren't a lucky person. And if that isn't the reason, it's because you wanted the song. You've got to beat the universe at its own game. The key to getting things is to not want them. Had I wanted that free song, I wouldn't have gotten it. So next time you buy a pepsi, pretend like you don't want the song.

At 4/25/2005 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, man. It was nice to just stand around and talk for two hours yesterday. I would never tell my friends down here this but we're all growing apart, and I don't have much to do lately.

So if I'm ever up at USF (usually every Friday or so), I'll definitely give you a ring.


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