Friday, June 17, 2005

The Magical Golden Hockey Stick, Part V

This summer I am taking a class called Literature in Childhood Education. Basically, it's about children's stories. A recent assignment was to write a story of a hero's quest. And being a hockey freak who missed an entire season, you can guess my topic. This week I'll be posting the story in five parts. I'll return to my old format next week. Enjoy the story of The Magical Golden Hockey Stick!


Jack was safe but the hiking path on the map was now gone and the slope of the mountain was so steep he could never climb it on his own. All hope was lost. Jack began to cry, fearing he would never get to Coach in time. Soon after, a Thrasher came flying by and saw Jack crying.

“What’s the matter?” asked the Thrasher.

“I need to scale this mountain to save Coach,” Jack said. “But it is much to steep for me. Is there any way you can help me?”

“Why of course I can!” the Thrasher exclaimed. “You just need to become a Flyer!”

“A Flyer?” Jack asked.

“Yes, take these Red Wings and strap them on,” the Thrasher said. “You’ll fly to the top of this mountain in no time!”

Jack put on the Red Wings and flapped them as hard as he could. He flapped and flapped and finally reached the peak of the mountain. He hid behind some trees trying to get a look at where the Devils were holding Coach and the Magical Golden Hockey Stick.

As Jack hid, a Mighty Duck came up behind him and quacked at him.

“Who are you?” Jack asked.

“I’m the Mighty Duck! You’ll need my help to sneak past the Devils and save your Coach and steal the Magical Golden Hockey Stick.”

“How will you help me?” Jack asked

“Well, I have the Magic Maple Leaf, of course!” the Mighty Duck shouted.

“The Magic Maple Leaf?” Jack asked

The Mighty Duck told Jack to follow him to the gates where there Devils stood guard.

“Who goes there?” a Devil asked in a loud, booming voice.

The Mighty Duck began to wave the Magic Maple Leaf wildly in the direction of the Devils. Jack watched the Devils get sleepy and collapse on the ground.

“Well, that was easy!” Jack said.

“But only I, the Mighty Duck, can give the Magic Maple Leaf its magical powers,” said the Mighty Duck.

Jack thanked the Mighty Duck and opened the gates and found Coach, who was holding the Magical Golden Hockey Stick.

“I believe this is yours,” Coach said.

Jack was so happy that Coach was alive! They each strapped Red Wings and flew all the way home to Vancouver. Jack loved his new Magical Golden Hockey Stick. He scored a hundred goals every season and his team finally won the championship!



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