Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Master Plan, Part II

That Sound You Hear? » One Moment More by Mindy Smith
Current MP3 Count » 5,106
Big News » Dubya made the first Supreme Court nomination in 11 years. His choice was Judge John Roberts.

Now, today's story...

I see you managed to hold out on getting the second part of that prank story. That said, if you haven't read yesterday's post, go back and do it now. It will make today's story that much funnier.

We were just at the part where I ran back into the room and forced Jason away from my computer. Seems he'd been IMing Elissa, pretending to be me. I could see why she believed him. Reading through it, it sure did sound like me.

Like I said, Elissa had called my cell phone. The connection was staticy so I wasn't sure what she heard, though I'm sure she heard me removing Jason. We talked for a couple of minutes, I, of course, completely confused. Then we lost the connection altogether.

In the time before she called back, Jason filled me in on everything he had done, start to finish. It seems Liz (of all people) was in a prankster mood the other day and had suggested to Elissa that messing with me might be fun. But since I wasn't around, Liz, like a mature individual, moved on. Elissa pressed on with pranking me, though, by enlisting Jason's help.

Jason proceded to pretend to go along with Elissa's plan, meanwhile coming up with ideas in his own mind for getting her back. But you would assume that after confusing her so much that she couldn't tell who was telling the truth (with regard the faux VT scholarship), enough was enough.

But not for us. Getting her once wasn't a grand enough gesture. This Queen of Pranking had to be stopped. We got her a second time during the telephone conversation wherein I pretended not to know what had happened. And that leads us to the third time we got her — right now. I am writing this blog to let her know that I was a co-conspirator the entire time — in the room every step of the way. Phony phone call and everything.

Jason and I should write a book called "How To Prank A Prankster." Don't misunderstand, we aren't aggressive pranksters. We only mess with other people in defense of our own honor. And we can't claim to be the best since doing so would just be daring someone to try and prank us, but let's face it, that was a job well done.

Chances are good that Elissa won't be making the same mistake in the future. Hopefully we've taught you your lesson. Her biggest complaint about this whole thing is what cracked me up the most. Under the title heading "Honor Among Thieves," Elissa thought it unthinkable that Jason (her perceived co-conspirator) could betray her so mercilessly. Indeed, she must have forgotten all the times she pranked and mocked him in the past.

It was our master plan to outprank the biggest prankster we knew. And it was very well executed. We had her every step of the way.

And, Elissa, while you might take offense to all of this, never forget that you brought it all on yourself.

Have a terrific day.

Nameless: Still at a loss for a good title for my hockey blog, here. I still have two days. But right now I'm leaning on "On The Fly" as a backup. Let me know what you think if you aren't too busy. Yes, you!


At 7/19/2005 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ass. We'll see if I design you a t shirt anytime soon.

At 7/21/2005 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so mean. I would have fallen for that! Except I would tell Jason that he had to play hockey on our team. lol. Play nice you guys. I had no clue Jason could be so devious.


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