Laziness vs. Efficiency
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Now, today's story...
All right, so here's a thing. A friend of mine wrote a post the other day in her blog bemoaning a slide by Americans as a whole into a stage of helplessness. I happen to disagree.
She cites an ever-increasing number of people's tendency toward paying others to do things they are perfectly capable of doing themselves as a prime reason for such an opinion. But last year I took a business management class that made me see that people aren't becoming more lazy, they're becoming more efficient.
I'll defend that position now since you probably think it's insane. Consider everything I'm talking about on the basis of quality of life. In other words, living for personal enjoyment. Nobody knows the "secret of life" so that aside, we may as well just live to be happy otherwise life really isn't worth anything. That's my view, anyhow.
You have only so many hours in a day. Twenty-four to be exact. Your days are also limited, however no one really knows just how many they've got. Leading me to this question: If your hours are numbered, why would you waste a single one on doing something you don't like?
Think of a good reason. I bet you can't. For instance, why do you think there are so many lawn services around here? Most people do not find pleasure in mowing the grass. I sure don't. So we weigh the costs. Do you spend your invaluable time doing something you dislike, or do you fork over a little cash to alleviate the disliked chore? Which weighs more? Your disdain for grass-cutting or the dollar signs it requires to get someone else to do it for you?
The same goes for the bread argument. Personally, when I'm hungry, I want a sandwich. I don't want to stand there and have to slice the bread. For one thing, it should be clear that we're talking about fresh-baked bread here, straight from behind the Publix counter. Most kinds of pre-packaged bread come pre-sliced. That's just how they play the game.
But for those who enjoy the fresh bread, this Bud's for you. Perhaps you like slices each of the same width. I know I like a sandwich where the top is as thick as the bottom. So for me, it's worth it to spend the extra dough (no pun intended) to have a professional do the job for me with specialized tools. I am by no means a helpless soul. I simply like my bread cut a certain way, and where there is someone being paid to do this for me, it outweighs the annoyance of uneven bread.
Now don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a bread freak. I buy pre-packaged store brand off the shelf like most everyone else. But the point I'm making is that people who may not have the time or inclination to do certain monotonous chores can pay other people who are willing to do them.
If you think that's a stupid argument, then you're a communist. Capitalism runs best with busy (and lazy) people at the helm. Your busy schedule (or laziness) makes you a perfect addition to the American economy. With that, I'll step off of my soap box and make an addition to the title of Cortney's post title: Excuse Me America, Can You Wipe My Ass (For A Fee)?
Fake Stories: I've noticed that the hit count on my fiction blog is exceedingly lower than on this one. Would it kill you to click here and enjoy yourself a little? It's good reading. Maybe I'll make it into a TV series one day.